Michael J. DeMeo & Ariane Geffard
"A Nos Amours"

Printed in June 2010
First Edition
PogoBooks #004

ISBN 978-3-942547-03-1

32 Pages
14,8 x 21 cm
Color Offset

about the artists:
Michael J DeMeo is a photographer living and working in Portland, Oregon.
Preferring analog over digital DeMeo´s images are low-fi and intimate; 
indeed many of his subjects maintain a personal relationship with him 
outside of photography.  From 2007-2009 DeMeo worked as curator of 
photography at Sugar Gallery in Portland Oregon. "My photos are mostly 
auto-biographical. I take pictures of the people and places in my life, and
some events are more hyperbolic than others, but they are all about my life."

Ariane Geffard living and working in Paris, France:
"When I was five, my father offered me a compact camera. My friend Anna 
was the first person I shot. I didn't know how she could pose for me. 
I just asked her to take off her dress. She kept it in her hand to prevent 
it to get dirty. Since, I always have a camera in my bag. I try not to
hustle the intimacy of people I shot. Confidence that they put in me is 


about the book:
"A Nos Amours" ("To our loves") is an exhibition that was first shown 
at the Sugar Gallery in Portland, Oregon USA in May 2009. 
The goal was to link Michael J. DeMeo's photography and my own; we 
wanted the viewers to feel coherence and also a dialogue between the 
work. This publication brings Michael and myself together again, which 
I am very proud of because it gives us the opportunity to present
"À Nos Amours" to a wider audience. Our two visions meet at the heart 
of the same obsessions: the body, intimacy, and the cinema. Our work 
is a quest for identity.... and sometimes how you find yourself through 
another person. -Ariane

out of print 

Michael J DeMeo, A Nos Amours

Michael J DeMeo, A Nos Amours

Michael J DeMeo, A Nos Amours

Michael J DeMeo, A Nos Amours

Ariane Geffard, A Nos Amours

Ariane Geffard, A Nos Amours

Ariane Geffard, A Nos Amours

Ariane Geffard, A Nos Amours